Health Services » About District Health

About District Health


WEST ISD Health Services Department's


Mission is to support student success, helping each person we touch reach his/her maximum health potential.


The school health program is NO substitute for the healthcare which parents should provide for their children.  Rather than relieving parents’ responsibilities, this program is established to encourage individuals to utilize the services of a private physician, dentist, optometrist, and/or community health agencies.


The West ISD Health Clinics are designed to treat chronic health conditions (with proper documentation), and minor injuries and to act as a temporary “waiting room” for students who have become ill during the school day.  Should a student become ill, only the persons designated as an Emergency contact in Skyward will be allowed to pick up the student.  All telephone numbers MUST be updated immediately if changes occur during the school year. 


School Nurse 

Role and Responsibility 


  • Our students are our most valuable resource in recognition of that, West ISD provides a registered nurse at each campus of West Elementary School and West Middle/West High School campus. The school nurse serves as a liaison between school personnel, family, community, and healthcare providers to advocate for student health and a healthy school environment.  
  • School nursing is a professional, registered nursing specialty that involves identification, assessment, prevention, and intervention to remedy or modify students' health needs.  The nurses' goal is to promote the optimum health of students and each student's ability to achieve their individual education goals.  
  • We would like to assure you that medical information about your child is treated as confidential by the nurses and all school staff. We do not share information about your child with outside parties nor can we discuss health concerns of any other student with you.


Emergency Medications 


  • On all campuses under Chapter 38, Subchapter E of the Education Code, the Board has adopted a policy to allow authorized school personnel who have been adequately trained to administer an unassigned epinephrine auto-injector to a person who is reasonably believed to be experiencing a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) may administer in the event of an unexpected, undiagnosed anaphylactic (severe allergic) reaction. 
  • Parents of children with known anaphylaxis are expected to provide an individual supply of emergency medication and an emergency action plan, signed by the physician, to the campus nurse. 


COVID-19 Guidelines: 
  • WEST  ISD does not require students to receive the COVID-19 vaccine; however, we can record the vaccine status with all other vaccines in a student's record. If you wish to provide your child's campus nurse with your child's COVID-19 vaccine information by email or a paper copy, we will record the information. given to your campus nurse. 
  • See District Link for up-to-date COVID - 19 Guidelines


Contact WEST ISD Health Services:

Terri Tobola R.N. 

West ISD Lead Nurse 


[email protected]