Health Services » Health Screenings

Health Screenings

Health Office Procedures and  Health Screenings
A Note from the Nurse this school year, we will be working with your child at West ISD. We would like to take this opportunity to tell you about some of the health office procedures and policies concerning illness, medications, health concerns, screenings, immunizations, and communicable diseases.

The district health staff will perform the following state-required health screenings. If you do not wish the district health staff to perform the screenings, you may substitute a professional examination by a health care provider of your choice. Please contact your campus nurse for further instructions.

The results of these screenings may indicate that your child may need diagnostic evaluation beyond the school's capabilities. Referrals to physicians are made as needed. 

Parents are urged to obtain appropriate medical care following a school screening referral.  If you do not have insurance or cannot afford care, your campus nurse may be able to assist you with referrals for free or affordable care.


Vision and Hearing Screening

The Vision and Hearing Screening Program at the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) works to identify children with vision and hearing disorders who attend any public, private, parochial, denominational school or a Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) licensed child care center and licensed child care home in Texas.


Preschoolers and school children with hearing and vision problems will be identified early and linked to appropriate remedial services. School children will learn about preventive vision and hearing care. 

Vision and hearing screenings are done on PK, K, 1, 3, 5, and 7th grade students during the first semester of each school year. Any student who may be having trouble with their vision or hearing will be screened at any time during the school year after a request is received from the parent/guardian or teacher.

Screening Information and Procedure

The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) Spinal Screening Program was established by the Texas Legislature to detect abnormal spinal curvature in students. The program is required to adopt rules as mandated by the statute.


School-based spinal screening helps to identify adolescents with abnormal spinal curves and refer them for appropriate follow-up by their primary care physician. Screening can detect scoliosis at an early stage, when the curve is mild and may go unnoticed. Early detection is key to controlling spinal deformities. 


In compliance with the Health and Safety Code, Chapter 37, all children shall undergo screening for abnormal spinal curvature in accordance with the following schedule:

  • Girls will be screened two times, once at age 10 (or fall semester of grade 5) and again at age 12 (or fall semester of grade 7).
  • Boys will be screened one time at age 13 or 14 (or the fall semester of grade 8).


Immunizations: Texas state law requires all students to be up to date on the required immunizations. Notices will be sent home when immunizations are due. Please send a doctor or clinic-validated record to the school nurse when immunizations are received. Students can be excluded from school if the immunizations and records are not received by the due date or by the time allotted by the school district.
Communicable Disease: Please report all communicable diseases to the school nurse so we can prevent the spread of these illnesses. Students will be sent home with a temperature of 100.4 degrees or more, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pink eye, etc. The student needs to be fever-free for 24 hours without the use of medication before returning to school. Please submit a doctor’s note stating the diagnosed illness and proof of treatment within 72 hours.
Health Problems: Please complete the annual student health history at the beginning of each school year and include any updated health information. We would also appreciate it if you would let us know of any health problems or pertinent information about your child that might develop during the school year. Severe allergic reactions, major medical conditions, and medication changes are of great importance for us to give the best care to your child. Emergency contact information is updated each year. Please keep the school informed about your current contact information at home and work in case an EMERGENCY or illness should occur at school.
If we can be of any assistance during the school year, please contact the nurse’s office on your child’s campus