Health Services » Asthma Care

Asthma Care

Asthma Care at School 


Students with asthma should submit an annual Asthma Action Plan signed by the physician and parent. Those who require medication at school (either inhalers or nebulizers) must submit Medication Authorization Forms to the school nurse.


The 77th Texas Legislature enacted House Bill 1688, which amends the Education Code to entitle a student with asthma to possess and self-administer prescription asthma medication while on school property or at a school-related event or activity.


The bill allows students to self-administer asthma medications(s) while at school or school functions with permission from the parents and physician.  This is done by the School Asthma Action Plan. 


Asthma Action Plan


If a physician feels it is medically necessary for a student with asthma to carry and self-administer prescription asthma medication, the student must have an asthma action plan signed by the physician and parent on file.  


*Required: If a physician feels it is medically necessary for a student with asthma to carry and self-administer prescription asthma medication, the student must have an asthma action plan signed by the physician and parent on file. (This form can be obtained from the school nurse or printed here:  Asthma Action Care Plan (English)(Española) 


The Asthma Action is to be filled out ANNUALLY each year by the student's prescribing physician and must be signed by both the prescribing physician and the parent/guardian.


Parents/guardians are encouraged to bring backup Asthma medication to the clinic, as well as students to carry their inhalers if appropriate documentation is in place, especially if they're in Athletics.


The school nurse will assess the student’s ability to recognize symptoms and correctly use the medications.


written doctor's activity for long-term restriction notes will be required for any student who cannot participate fully in his/her physical education class. The school nurse does not have the authority to keep the student from participating in PE or Athletics for an extended period. 


Student Self-Carry Asthma Medication

  • Unless an additional supply of medication is provided for storage in the school nurse’s office, parents and students must recognize that it is the student’s responsibility to carry the medication at all times.  The school does not keep an emergency supply of asthma medication in stock.
  • A form titled Parent/Physician Authorization for Self-Administration of Asthma Medication by a Student should be completed and kept on file with the campus nurse before a student can possess and self-administer his/her asthma or anaphylaxis medication. Consent to carry is located on page two of the Asthma Action Plan. 
  • *Required: The physician, the parent/guardian, and the school nurse will assess and provide written consent of the student must demonstrate competency and ability to recognize symptoms and how to correctly use the medications before allowing the student to carry an inhaler in school. (This form can be obtained from the school nurse or printed by clicking the links  (English)(Española)  
  • All required documentation will be kept on file in the school clinic and must be renewed annually. 
  • The parents of children with known asthma are expected and highly encouraged to provide an individual supply of emergency medication to the campus nurse for emergency use.
  • The physician, parents, and students must recognize that it is the student’s responsibility to carry the medication at all times if no medication is kept in the nurse's office. 
  • If the student has been prescribed asthma or anaphylaxis medication for use during the school day, the student and parents should discuss this with the school nurse or campus principal. 
  • If you do not wish to have an Action Plan in place, please sign and return the REFUSAL for Treatment (English) (Española) to the campus nurse.  


Self Carry Considerations

Athletic Events or School Events 

  • The students who require asthma medication for athletic activities or school events should also process the medication through the school nurse.   
  • If the student has permission by written consent from the physician and the parent/guardian on the Asthma Action Plan to self-carry their asthma medication, they may do so, after discussion with the school school nurse first then the information will coordinated with the event sponsor, and/or school Athletic Trainer. 


All campuses DO NOT have an emergency supply of asthma medication that school nurses may administer in the event of an asthmatic attack. If your student has an event of an unexpected, undiagnosed asthma attack, and there is no Asthma Action Plan in place, 911 will be notified, then the parent. The staff at WEST ISD is appropriately trained as to the right circumstances in which to administer an asthma medication if made available by the parent in the event of an asthma attack per the student’s Physician Care Plan / Plan of Action.